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The importance of a strong PR strategy for hospitality proptech brands

INSIGHT: A robust, forward-thinking B2B PR strategy goes way beyond sending out a few standard press releases. Instead, if you want to grow the reputation of your lodging tech business – you will need a laser-sharp PR strategy.

The power of B2B public relations: building reputations for growth in hospitality tech

INSIGHT: How to raise the reputation of your property technology business using specialist B2B public relations.

Why B2B content has never been so valuable

INSIGHT: You’re missing out if you’re not already utilizing the power of a tailored content marketing strategy for your proptech business. Here’s why…

The power of effective PR for hospitality tech startups

INSIGHT: Back in 2017 when I first founded Abode Worldwide, an agency focused on partnering with global property and hospitality technology solutions, the first question I asked the tech start-ups I was connecting with was – what did they believe they needed in order to succeed in business?

Five signs your hospitality tech start-up needs specialist public relations

INSIGHT: So, how do you know when it’s the right time to engage a specialist B2B PR agency? To get you started, here are 5 common signs that your hospitality or short-term rental tech business needs to add PR to your marketing arsenal.

Flex living? Digital nomadism? The new buzzwords in the short-term rental industry

INSIGHT: Here we unpick the top buzzwords that the industry needs to take note of now and why they matter to every short-term rental business.

5 reasons why B2B podcasts increase awareness for your hospitality tech brand

INSIGHT: Hospitality tech companies can use podcasts to engage with their customers and decision-makers in a more informal way – making it a valuable tool for raising brand awareness.

The acceleration of contactless tech adoption in vacation rentals

INSIGHT: A robust, forward-thinking B2B PR strategy goes way beyond sending out a few standard press releases. Instead, if you want to grow the reputation of your lodging tech business – you will need a laser-sharp PR strategy.

Why 2021 will be “The Year of Operations”

INSIGHT: As 2020 draws to a close, we’ve all experienced a great deal of challenge, uncertainty and, at times, absolute turmoil. The impact of the global pandemic has been felt universally and has impacted each and every one of us to a greater or lesser degree – both personally and professionally. 

High Tech High Touch: The Future of Hospitality

INSIGHT: With everything in life, there is a need for balance. This is particularly pertinent when it comes to technology and hospitality.

Easing traveller anxiety and rebuilding trust in the short-term rental industry

INSIGHT: Although none of us can predict the future and what that might look like, what we can be assured of is that the demand for travel will return once the global lockdown eases.

Face your fear: public speaking in the short-term rental industry

INSIGHT: With conference season in full flow, it feels timely to look at how to maximise public speaking opportunities when they arise. How do you perform up on stage or in front of a mic?