I MEET Hotel - Event moderator Jessica Gillingham

Abode Worldwide’s director, Jessica Gillingham moderated the I Meet Hotel: Destination UK event in February 2021. I Meet Hotel is a series of global events put on by the team at Bidroom with the aim of connecting hoteliers to the future of hospitality. Speakers were gathered from both the United Kingdom and abroad to discuss the implications, innovations and predictions on what the future guest of 2021 and beyond will expect in a post-covid and Brexit context. Additionally, speakers provided insights to what hoteliers can do in re-engaging global travellers, implement new technology and discover alternative distribution and revenue channels.

The agenda included:

  • Kathryn Davis, Interim CEO at Visit Bath
    Recovery Part 2: Innovation and collaboration. How destinations and the industry can begin to rebuild together
  • Michael Ros, Co-founder and CEO at Bidroom
    Increase (direct) bookings by creating a relationship
  • Ben Couldridge, Managing Director at 8th Floor Ltd.
    Elevating hotel sales and marketing for the post Covid-19 recovery
  • Svetlana Udalov, Founder and CEO of HKeeper Global
    Efficiency is sustainability
  • Adam Walsh, Regional Manager at STAAH
    Defining the key elements of a differentiated distribution strategy
  • Steve Davis, CEO of Operto
    Travel 2.0: The Death of the Front Desk
  • Larissa Esser, Senior Advisor at Hera
    Hotel Capital Markets and Anticipated 2021 Transaction Activity | Themes and Thoughts

For the full agenda for I Meet Hotel conferences online and in-person visit I Meet Hotel.

Abode Worldwide