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The future of short-term rentals is in its merging

INSIGHT: I recently attended Skift’s inaugural The Future of Lodging Forum in New York City. The focus of the event was to dissect and debate the ‘great merging’ of hotels and short-term rentals. 

How vacation rentals have captured the media landscape

INSIGHT: Reputation and culture are not just buzz words for the moment. They are the cognizant foundations for any business that plans to grow in a sustainable and purposeful way. When a company’s culture and reputation is seen as integral to its core and that company is able to communicate its purpose outwardly

Five signs your hospitality tech start-up needs specialist public relations

INSIGHT: So, how do you know when it’s the right time to engage a specialist B2B PR agency? To get you started, here are 5 common signs that your hospitality or short-term rental tech business needs to add PR to your marketing arsenal.

Five key elements for your hospitality tech content strategy

INSIGHT: You know what they say - content is king. Create a solid, results-driven content strategy with these five core tips from our content experts.

Jessica Gillingham on Slick Talk: The Hospitality Podcast

NEWS: Our Founder, Jessica Gillingham, was delighted to be a guest invited on to Wil Slicker's Slick Talk: The Hospitality Podcast. Talking all things hospitality and PR

Five goals, Five years: what does the future hold for Abode PR?

INSIGHT: You know what they say - content is king. Create a solid, results-driven content strategy with these five core tips from our content experts.

Five ways Abode Worldwide builds strong thought leaders

INSIGHT: Hospitality technology PR: How public relations builds successful thought leaders with B2B communication strategies - the top 5 key elements.

5 things we’ve learned over 5 years in the lodging industry

INSIGHT: How to become an expert in B2B technology PR for the hospitality industry: what our agency has learned over 5 years in public relations.

My first year with the Abode Worldwide team

INSIGHT: Working with the Abode Worldwide team, I help clients to raise their brand awareness and reputation, create strong thought leaders from within their company, and help them engage their target market with focused content.

What exactly is thought leadership?

INSIGHT: We often get asked what ‘thought leadership’ is and what this has to do with PR.

Guesty Webinar: Travel & industry trends to help you navigate 2022

NEWS: On 27 January, our Founder and Managing Director, Jessica Gillingham, joined other industry leaders on Be Our Guest(y), a virtual event hosted by property management software Guesty.

Abode Worldwide: Staying creative as an agency

INSIGHT: Have you ever wondered how creative teams, such as Abode PR, stay inventive? And how do their employees stay connected as a community through remote, hybrid, and flexible working?